Hands and feet are the most important and most visible beauty of the people carrier next to the face and hair. Fingernails are an eye catcher par excellence.
The condition of our feet depends crucially on our mobility. At work, in everyday life and sports, they make every day hard work. Given the great importance of well kept hands and feet, it is essential to always maintain simply and easily at home with the manicure and pedicure.
Here we tell you pedicure tips in Urdu that how you can care your feet with pedicure tips in Urdu and English that how you can care your feet pedicure.
The condition of our feet depends crucially on our mobility. At work, in everyday life and sports, they make every day hard work. Given the great importance of well kept hands and feet, it is essential to always maintain simply and easily at home with the manicure and pedicure.
Here we tell you pedicure tips in Urdu that how you can care your feet with pedicure tips in Urdu and English that how you can care your feet pedicure.
Manicure and pedicure tips
1. If we wouldn’t care our feet then their skin get raptures and wrinkles are appear on hands and feet and also change in color of skin. So if we want healthy hand and foot then we should properly care our hands and feet.
2. Where you daily give messages and apply masks on your face and neck along with that you should have to pay attention on your hands and feet skin. Wash you hands and feet skin and clean them now apply any skin care lotion or cream on your hands and feet to make them soft and healthy.
3. Take bowl of hot water now add some drops of lemon juice and shampoo with some salt. Now put your hands and feet for 10 minutes in this solution after that apply conical gel on your hands and feet nails to making the skin soft around your nails. After 3 minutes cut the skin around nails with conical cutter. And give the proper shape to your nails with Nail filer.
4. Clean the heels of feet with pumice to remove extra and dead skin. Now take olive oil or Vitamin E cream and give the hands and feet message for 10 minutes. To make you feet and hands soft and clean.
5. If you want healthy and soft feet and hands also then wash them twice daily and apply and care cream or lotion to keep them soft and healthy. Many creams and lotion contain Vitamin E and Vitamin C which are good for skin cell as well as provide nourishment and moisture to your skin.
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