Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Homemade Facial masks for pimples

Fruits and vegetables are healthy, and also gain valuable ingredients for facial masks for pimples for itself. Not only in the daily diet, but even if you make face masks for pimples themselves, fruits and vegetables are important components. In our facial face masks a little lemon juice to the pimples and blackheads as to use, reliable dry out.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Now become Beautiful at Home

Who wants to know exactly what is in his face mask, many beauty tips can make themselves at home. Not only our ancestors but even Cleopatra knew how the skin is to embellish with home beauty tips and tricks. From home remedies like eggs, salt, sugar, milk, yogurt and other ingredients from the food sector, a variety of beauty masks and packs can make your own.

In this post I present my home beauty tips for you. You can get help from our these home beauty tips, for getting beautiful and soft skin.