Friday, June 5, 2015

How to check ur pc gender?

How to check ur pc gender?
Its a very funny video and tricky too it u Have been listen about the gender of humans but not of Computers too so check ur Computer /pc's gender :p

How to Get Long and shinning Hairs?find out

This video is about how to get long shining hairs at home in very less cost

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Homemade Facial masks for pimples

Fruits and vegetables are healthy, and also gain valuable ingredients for facial masks for pimples for itself. Not only in the daily diet, but even if you make face masks for pimples themselves, fruits and vegetables are important components. In our facial face masks a little lemon juice to the pimples and blackheads as to use, reliable dry out.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Now become Beautiful at Home

Who wants to know exactly what is in his face mask, many beauty tips can make themselves at home. Not only our ancestors but even Cleopatra knew how the skin is to embellish with home beauty tips and tricks. From home remedies like eggs, salt, sugar, milk, yogurt and other ingredients from the food sector, a variety of beauty masks and packs can make your own.

In this post I present my home beauty tips for you. You can get help from our these home beauty tips, for getting beautiful and soft skin.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How to Take care of your eyes in any Season:Tips

One of the most important part  of the face is the eyes, therefore they deserve our special attention.
Now today we are sharing some new tips how to take care of your eyes
This is the most sensitive part of your face

Any small injury to it can lead to very bad result

 So we Should take more care of it

here you will get tips in English and Urdu ......Do give us our feed backs and the bottom

☞  The eye area is very different from other areas of the face skin is very thin, 0.5 mm (compared to facial skin from 1.75 to 2.5 mm). At the same time you can find around the eyes barely lower fat, and also the number of sebaceous and sweat glands is reduced. Since there the number of collagen and elastic fibers is also much lower, it can get very quickly come to the sagging skin.

Monday, April 28, 2014

How to make Homemade facial Masks for Man?:URDU and ENGLISH

If you hate Cosmetic face and think they suit your skin type, especially with the increasing proportion of chemicals, or if suddenly discovered out your inventory of skin creams, the ideal solution for you is industry keep stable and beautiful yourself at home,

due to the results fascinating and methods prepared simple and easy access to components of herbs and nature products, in addition to being friendly to the skin and do not cause any damage such as industrial products.

Skin Care must be part of your daily routine, especially since scientific research confirmed that the amount of fat skin men higher than women by a 15% increase, so you dear man Care wash your face and cleaned daily, and moistened regularly, so as to maintain the skin

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Best Treatment Tips for Oily Skin

A shiny face, blackheads and pimples these are unmistakable signs of oily skin. The cause lies in the sebaceous glands they produce increased Sebum. This leaves an oily fat layer on the skin that brings the face to shine. In the De-fatting effect dust and dirt particles that clog the pores accumulate, and continued to produce Sebum can not escape. So germs multiply quickly and can ignite the skin. This inflamed pustules are visible as pimples on the surface.

Especially teenagers resent an oily complexion. But adults are also affected. The good news These oily skin care tips and oily skin care in Urdu can help you to care your oily skin gently and look beautiful and attractive.