Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How to Take care of your eyes in any Season:Tips

One of the most important part  of the face is the eyes, therefore they deserve our special attention.
Now today we are sharing some new tips how to take care of your eyes
This is the most sensitive part of your face

Any small injury to it can lead to very bad result

 So we Should take more care of it

here you will get tips in English and Urdu ......Do give us our feed backs and the bottom

☞  The eye area is very different from other areas of the face skin is very thin, 0.5 mm (compared to facial skin from 1.75 to 2.5 mm). At the same time you can find around the eyes barely lower fat, and also the number of sebaceous and sweat glands is reduced. Since there the number of collagen and elastic fibers is also much lower, it can get very quickly come to the sagging skin.