Friday, March 28, 2014

Homemade Remedies for oily skin

Some of the Homemade tips are given below :
1)Take some almonds mash them and mix with little honey this will be your face pack for oily skin to have nice glowing (Almond Honey Scrub)Massage softly on your skin.leave it for  10-15 minutes cleanse your face with cold water.

2)Another homemade remedy for glowing skin of oily type is Oatmeal & Aloe Vera Scrub Mix-take aloe Vera juice and add to fine paste of oatmeal and  Rub gently and make a soft massage on your skin. leave it for 10-15 minutes cleanse with water. Do not use overhead scrubs, if your are suffering from acne problem, this is not recommended.

3)Take some lemon juice add few drops of milk to it and as honey is a best moisturizer you can add honey to this mixture and make a paste of it and apply to face and rinse after 20 minutes this helps in skin glow and makes it you know lemon juice contains exfoliating properties that removes dirt from outer part of skin,it can be used with sugar as cleansing agent.

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